Monday, February 16, 2015


Smoke, smoke. Smoke cigarettes, ten packs (to avoid lawsuits from 1940s country composer Tex Williams's estate). Smoke ten.
One time in the 19th century, before anyone knew any better, it was decided:
mother:"Hey, Gilbert".
father:"Yes, Catherine?"
mother:"Smoking is something that only us adults get to do...I mean, why? Let kids join in ON.....THE.....FUN"
Father:  "Yeah!"
So the head of (fill in confectioner) agrees.
Thus from many companies, same reason I guess as with Circus Peanuts and Candy Corn, predating US copyright, sprang those delicious, decadent
things called..

White. Red tipped. Necco Wafer/Altoids Mint like, e.g., chalky. AND POSITIVELY DEDACADENTLY ADDICTIVE.

Gum too,. Wrapped in those nice little old white gum---I mean, ciggy wrappers.
Controversial as well by 1950.
In that era, it was really decided that smoking wasn't just a "sophisticated adult' was a DANGEROUS sophisticated adult thing (cigarettes, not cigars or pipes here).
So more and more bans on ciggies..CANDY cigarettes and in television commercials, finally, doctors taking a very serious look at ANYONE using finally, any type of cigarettes.
Personally, I don't smoke (especially as a clay horse!) but candy cigarettes seem...yunmy./.
These are on sale for ANYONE who wants them in many candy stores...but candy cigarette smoking could be hazardous to...well, whatever.
Stalling (yeah! my FAVORITE..must be the genus or specifies)
Mold Gold (hmmm.. where do ya supposed that they got THAT name from, HMM?)

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