Throughout the now two year old history of this blog, I have made lovefests for candy. AH....but man doeseth not live by lovefest alove...
and I have done stuff on Nik L Nips..so, and I will question ...why..why..why..why..WHY Sweet tarts all the time..now, granted it's not the worst
, or, in this case, sourest of these,..I DO like some of these, but they're not always my favorite and from now, hopefully, in the future, a series of
sour candy reviews, diatribes, or I SHOULD say, diet-ribies, will follow.
The idea started generaitons aog as sweet and tart candy. This seems to be a very good idea, but tell me..o-kay. Salted chocolate. Salted chocolat.
Sweet Tarts..It's like tempting a children's taste..you eat sweet, then tart....then there are the Sour Patch Kids..more modern era, I may get around to
haranging THOSE. WOnka co.(which really should stay mjuch more chocolate-ly) makes these..
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